September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello there. I am 15 yo and in the previous year i started to have passion about learning language.Well I have pretty fine intermediate(B1) level in the language but I wanna upper-intermediatev(B2) at least.
    Do you think guys that if I read a lot books I will improve my language?
    or how it helps to vocabulary or
    (currently learning English as a polish native person)

    explanation if you don’t understand what i am talking about ( B1 B2) :

    B1 Intermediate
    Learners who achieve B1 Intermediate level can understand information about familiar topics. They can communicate in most situations whilst travelling in an English-speaking area. They can write simple connected texts on familiar topics.
    B2 English level (upper intermediate)
    B2 Upper intermediate
    Learners who achieve B2 Upper intermediate level can understand the main ideas of complex texts. They can interact with some fluency and communicate easily. They can write clear, detailed texts on a wide range of topics and express their opinions.
    C1 English level (advanced)
    C1 Advanced
    Learners who achieve C1 Advanced level can understand a wide range of long, complex texts. They can interact and express themselves fluently and spontaneously and use language flexibly and effectively in social, academic and professional situations.
    C2 English level (proficiency)
    C2 Proficiency
    Learners who achieve C2 Proficiency level can easily understand almost everything they hear or read. They can express themselves fluently and spontaneously with precision in complex situations.

    by AdEmpty532


    1. Haunting-Society1968 on

      Reading helps, but if you’re trying to speak a language, you should speak it. While you’re reading, try mouthing the words, or reading aloud.

    2. WildlifePolicyChick on

      Yes, absolutely – reading is an incredible learning tool. It expands your vocabulary, helps with critical thinking, and lengthens your attention span.

      Along with the obvious: being exposed to new ideas, new perspectives, different locales, different cultures. History, points of view, natural wonders, you name it!

      Reading is one of the best things you can do for your brain.

    3. Yes I think it does help.

      By reading in the language you want to learn, not only do you expand your vocabulary, but also learn a lot of phrases or slang that might not be taught in the class. See how sentences are being formed and so on.

    4. Reading helps everything. If you are really passionate about English you might someday wind up at university in an English-speaking country. The thing that will help you the most at university is reading. So keep at it! Read as much as you can.

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