September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For me, it’s “Belle du Seigneur” by Albert Cohen. I know it’s meant to be criticism of romantic love with a flawed protagonist, but OH MAN does the author hate women and it’s so transparent when reading it. All the chapters about women aging and how unattractive they become when they grow old… that only young women are worth seducing… The ideas that it is selling may come off as intentionally toxic, but the commentary is seriously degrading. Plus the fact that the main female character is a stupid cardboard who only cares about how she’s gonna dress for her date, what she’s gonna wear, how she’s gonna look… OH GOD UNBEARABLE READ.

    Bonus: There was even an interview of the author in which he pretty much confessed that he didn’t see women as smart enough to write. I hate this book so much.

    by lady_in_purpleblack

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