September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m currently reading *Circe* by Madeline Miller as a bedtime story (for myself).

    The first few chapters has snippets of the timeless lives of gods. Their feasts, their pride and divine responsibilities. A lot of the lesser immortals have no care in the world. They just look pretty, gossip, bask in pleasure and be magical. I love those bits the most.

    That brings me to my question in the title. I would gladly read a semi plotless recount of what it’s like to be an immortal being, living in paradise.

    If not plotless or godly related, something fantastical and gentle enough for bed. I’ll take recommendations for that kind of stuff too.

    *Alice in Wonderland* , and *A Wrinkle in Time* are already on my to read list, just wanted to mention.

    Thank you, readers. I appreciate any suggestions.

    by Ok_Practice_9412

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