September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know people like to complain about how having been made to read books in school made them hate the books. But which book (if any) that you read with school did you actually really enjoy.

    I liked a fair amount of the books and poetry we had to read, but I think ‘Playboy of the Western World’ by J.M. Synge was my favourite. It was a pretty similar setting to where I grew up and I knew a lot of older people who spoke that way so it just captured my imagination. And we had a lot of really fun discussions about the story and how we would respond if we were there so I actually enjoyed doing that one in a school setting/with others too.

    How about you?

    by FloatingApplesPears


    1. Bridge to Terabithia – this is the first book that made me cry, when I was in elementary school. That’s powerful.

      I really liked Grapes of Wrath, Great Gatsby, and Pride and Prejudice. I still reread Pride and Prejudice sometimes; it’s very clever!

      Not a book, but the short story “the Yellow Wallpaper” is still one of my favorite pieces of fiction. I reread it every few years, to this day.

    2. Had to read The Outsiders over winter break and it was the first book to make me cry and catapulted me into a slight obsession with the book and movie adaptation lol.

    3. I actually liked reading in school (except for The Once and Future King). My favorites, as far as I recall, were The Importance of Being Earnest, 1984 and Animal Farm.

    4. Tragic_Carpet_Ride on

      Professor Dowell’s Head by Alexander Belyaev. It was a great intro to horror fiction, and it’s very short and not gory at all, so I remember it being a fun Halloween assignment.

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