November 2024
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    I’m getting increasingly frustrated with myself. I have ocd so reading is already a big challenge, but what’s making it worse is that I just can’t keep focused on what I’m reading and catch my mind drifting more often than not. it makes it really difficult to immerse myself in a book and truly read/process the words instead of just staring at them and somewhat taking them in.

    is there anything you do to concentrate better? I’ve tried complete silence vs quiet music, having a cold drink as I read, listening to the audiobook at the same time… the only thing that’s worked at least a little is having one of those little lamps u clip onto ur book, although not much.

    by daypjh


    1. Maybe use your bookmark to underline the line you’re currently reading? Otherwise, I think it’ll just take practice. Unfortunately we live in a world where our attention is constantly being pulled in a million different directions so our brains aren’t used to staying focused for more than a few minutes. Just do what you can and try not to be too hard on yourself.

    2. Read something you think you’ll be very very very interested in. It might not happen right away, but later on you’d be surprised at how immersed in the story you are!

    3. I’ve have OCD too and I physically can’t stay still and switch off to my thoughts and read at all anymore. I just listen to audiobooks and it means I can do lots of things to keep my body busy while I listen. I tidy my whole house with my AirPods in or go out a walk to listen. If I keep my body busy with tasks my brain can take in the story.

    4. AdIntrepid2434 on

      I don’t, to my knowledge, have OCD, so, please, with a grain of salt:

      I used to read professionally (what I called being an English professor) and it got increasingly difficult for me to focus what with technology and everything, until I made a space for myself in my apartment (it was an IKEA chair) and said, okay, I’m reading now, and plugged my phone and laptop in chargers in another room. An entirely separate space does actually work wonders because it makes your brain go into a different mode.

      Also, weirdly, depending on how you do with reading and sound, deep breathing apps work amazingly well to snap you into focus.

    5. Cordelia-Shirley on

      One thing that works for me sometimes (don’t have your struggles) but reading out loud.

      It engages two senses with the reading so it’s harder to get distracted—you’re looking at the words and hearing yourself say them. It also inevitably slows down the pace you read so it can help the words sink in rather than glazing over them.

    6. I am big on creating a routine around it. As often as a I can, I will read in the same spot, with the same lighting, same ambient noise, and with my phone on ‘do not disturb.’

      Sometimes I also will set a timer. Setting a timer for 90 minutes or so just tells my brain that until the timer goes off, this time is used for reading and reading alone.

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