July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Nerdy, I know, but I’m super into it.

    When I read Devil in White City, I was super surprised to find that though I bought the book for my interest in the crime aspect, as the book went on the chapters I was looking forward to more were the descriptions of the development of the World’s Fair itself- all the logistics, supply chain management, the interpersonal diplomacy involved.. just a big fan in general. I got similar senses of satisfaction from Pillars of the Earth. I think I just like reading about urban development, maybe?

    Do you have any more suggestions that would scratch this itch? I’m not super specific on time frame or really even genre- though if we are going fiction I’d like for it to be pretty grounded.


    by Lemp_Triscuit11


    1. Ugh loved Devil in the white city! They were going to make a show based on the book with Leo DiCaprio as HH Holmes and it’s not going to happen now, I guess.

      Have you read any of his other books? I really enjoyed “in the garden of beasts” he is really talented

    2. The gold standard for urban planning will always be Jane Jacob’s *The Death and Life of Great American Cities*.
      *Waterfront: A Walk Around Manhattan* by Philip Lopate. The author wrote about his experience walking the full length of the Manhattan, NYC waterfront, and ruminating on the forces that shaped the city waterfront up until 2004. It’s fascinating, informative but always amusing because of Lopate’s writing style. Lots have changed since then, but the lessons remain valid.

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