background: my dad (m56) recently got injured at work. he fell off of a ladder and basically had a botched surgery that left him with zero function of one of his hands. he worked as a a mechanic and was an active, went to the gym every day, and competed in bodybuilding competitions. his life is dramatically different and he is very depressed and unable to cope with his new disability and the stress that comes from the constant pain he is in. he is unable to do any of his old hobbies and has even sold his car (a stick shift he bought only 1 year ago) and other things he use to love (electric bikes, scooters, etc). he is a recovering alcoholic (10 years sober) and looking for new hobbies, and he started to read and become familiar with our local library and barnes and noble.
i am looking for book recommendations about motivation, coping with personal injury, adapting, coping with injuries at an older age, coping with disabilities, accepting things you can’t change, moving forward, anything that you think he might like to read based off of my description. his bday is coming up so i’m hoping to surprise him with some good reads. TYIA
by wakemeupwhenseptendz