July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Similar to Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina (I’ve just begun Limbus Company and the beginning seems promising), are there any stories that brilliantly deliver stories with creative exploration on themes identity, the nature and perception of reality, the human condition, memories, the ego, weight of sins etc? Not in the grounded sense, but more surreal, and following a linear story with a climactic finish. I would prefer whoever recommends to have played these games to have a strong idea of what I’m talking about and how it goes about establishing these things in the narrative, but please go ahead nonetheless. I would prefer it done with flare and obviously focus on 1 to a main set of characters and not a huge cast where I’m not invested.

    Roland, Angela, A., Tiphereth, Binah, etc. are all characters I really like

    by Dragloncon

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