September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! Since I am a part of this subreddit, I am going to assume there are people with the same interests I have. I wanted to share what some of you call a “hidden gem”. I used to read around 20-25 books a year, mainly focusing on entrepreneurship, a topic I’m passionate about.
    I stumbled upon a website while looking for books to read and it actually did not disappoint. This website hosts weekly challenges, and guess what – every week you get a new book to read, and you get to know what book you’re reading next week, so that you can order it to arrive on time. While I didn’t initially seek out a solution to my reading habits, the challenge aspect intrigued me.
    Long story short, by signing up for “Success Stacks” and diving into their weekly challenges, my book count went from 20 to 24 in just six months.
    Although not every book I read came from the Success Stacks recommendations, the challenges significantly boosted my reading journey. I have already posted about this website on some other subreddits because I do genuinely think every entrepreneur (or wannabe entrepreneur) who likes reading should know about this newsletter. It’s a game-changer, and who knows, you might discover some incredible reads along the way! I don’t know if there is a newsletter for other types of books, feel free to comment them.

    PS: If by chance you’re interested, if you type Success Stacks on Google you’ll see it right away.

    by Party_Major5753

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