September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I really don’t understand the hate that this book got from a plot sense. The only negative that comes to mind is how it focuses a bit too much on Paul and not the other characters like chani or Irulan.

    One thing that was very noticeable was the drop in quality of the writing. The writing feels as if Frank Herbert wrote a novella but then decided to fill it with bullshit for it to be considered a novel.
    Many characters will often say something like: ‘a part appears like the whole but it isn’t because it has been sifted through the sands of time and faced the maw of one’s consciousness. But it is also the whole because of the awareness of oneself’

    For lack of a better term, characters just yap throughout the whole book. And these parables that they speak in don’t add anything to their character. If a character says something along the lines of what I wrote earlier, there is no way of distinguishing who actually said it because the way the sentence was said lacks personality. And it doesn’t add anything to their character. There was no difference in hayt/duncan’s proverbs compared to Paul compared to edric and scytale.

    Also did anyone find it wierd that alia is 15 and Duncan is like 30 not counting the years he was dead. Just really creepy.

    by Feisty-Treacle3451

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