September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all! I just finished “Slewfoot” and I LOVED IT!!! I’d love some recommendations of more books like it.

    Slewfoot is based during the puritan era (1600s colonial america). A woman is split between her mother’s pagan traditions and the puritan traditions. It has similarity/references to the salem witch trials (which is another story I love, though so horrible) but she does have real reason to be considered a witch. But it’s not her fault….kinda.

    by 13birdman71

    1 Comment

    1. Vanilla_Tuesday on

      I just finished this and gave it a 5/5. Did you read it or listen to the audiobook? I listened to the audiobook. It was so good.

      The Hollow Places by Ursula Vernon/T Kingfisher? Not exactly the same but it’s the closest I can think of.

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