July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m this close to canceling my Kindle Unlimited subscription because decent writing is important to me and on KU, especially romance, it’s very much a needle in a haystack kind of situation.

    That being said, I’m going through a bit of a hard time rn and figured I might as well get my money’s worth while I’m still subscribed.

    Specifically looking for well written recommendations where the romance is believable, good chemistry between the characters, preferably with some kind of emphasis on healing or learning to trust again.

    While I love my spicy bad boy books, I’m not interested in a “dangerous” or overbearing MMC right now, but otherwise very open to various subgenres, tropes, etc.

    Also if you have something that fits the bill but isn’t on KU, I’d still like to hear it!

    by shitty-biometrics


    1. D. Pahnke’s **Us: An Intimacy Innovation**

      It doesn’t have the healing or trust elements that you’re after, but it does offer *pre*-relationship advice. It’s in the first-love trope with a ‘Will they? Won’t they?’ subtext. The plot line is college-age shy *he* teaches popular *she* how to find ‘forever love’. There’s no toxicity.

    2. Traditional_Nail2837 on

      I really enjoyed Kate Canterbury’s “In A Jam” – the FMC has trust issues (with others because of past relationships but also some self doubt) that she has to work through to eventually make the relationship work, so I think it fits your desire for healing/growth, maybe.

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