July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I enjoyed this book. It was well written, developed interesting characters, and engaged me on social and economic commentary. More than just tackling America’s challenges with foster care and/or the opioid crisis, I was interested in the graphic novel idea two of the main characters had towards the end of the book. They talked about land vs. money based economies and how there has been a long standing war waged against land economies in this country, which the characters allege is the reason hillbillies, rednecks, native Americans before them, and other living-off-the-land people have been marginalized. Any suggestions on other books, fiction or non-fiction, that explore this same concept?

    by theponderizer


    1. Babel by RF Kuang— British, not American, but great commentary on race, capitalism, and colonization!

    2. I asked the same question after finishing Demon Copperhead and I was suggested two books that were both excellent and I would put in my top 5 of all time:

      1. East of Eden – John Steinbeck
      2. Lonesome Dove – Larry McMurtry

      I will also second Prince of Tides which someone else mentioned. It’s excellent.

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