September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Like the title says, I’m curious what book series you started but quit reading, and your reason for giving up on it. For me, I started the Blood & Ash series by Jennifer L. Armentrout, but quit after reading the third book in the series. The sex scenes got to be too ridiculous and kind of gross for me to stomach. Another is the Gentleman Bastard series by Scott Lynch. I loved the first book called The Lies of Locke Lamora, but I didn’t realize until after I read it that it’s been over a decade of waiting for the 4th book in the series to come out, so I’ve been hesitant to read the other two titles available and get even more invested in a series that has come to a nebulous standstill.

    by rmsmithereens


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    2. Purple_Ferret_5958 on

      Not really a series, but book of the new sun. Really weird stuff the protagonist said, thought, and did concerning women.

    3. I tried A Song of Ice and Fire, and couldn’t even get past page 100 of the first book. I simply, possibly irrationally, dislike Martin’s style. The same with Sanderson, and Abercrombie.

    4. calcisiuniperi on

      The latest ones I ditched:

      Leigh Bardugo’s three-book-story that started with Ninth House, and Rebecca Ross’ Divine Rivals (not sure whether that was supposed to be two-book or three-book. Both started out strong, interesting worlds, mostly interesting characters (women stronger and more interesting, men a bit more simple pin-up-heros). The Bardogo one went completely bonkers in book 2, and it started to feel like the author didn’t really know what she was keeping us around for or with. Ross…Well. There’s a certain thing that happens in book 1 that made no sense, wasn’t necessary, felt like pushing a personal preference moral agenda by the author, at least to me, so decided to stay clear.

      An earlier ditch was the Expanse series, which I looooooved – I just ended up reading too much of it in a short period, and all of a sudden it was the too-much-of-a-good thing, at book 5 or so. Should try again, though.

      A classic one I never could push myself to finish is the Three Musketeers series – all the other books besides the central one have a darker, sadder, gloomier tone that just didn’t fit my world at the time. Should try that one again, too.

    5. emptyhellebore on

      Laurell K Hamilton’s Anita Blake series is the big one for me. I loved the first books, a kick ass vampire hunter/ necromancer for hire mystery series? Sign me up. Then It turned into a muddled mess of explicit sex and hard to find plots, definitely not for me.

    6. LookingForAFunRead on

      I read the first book of The Wheel of Time series, Eye of the World. I DNF a lot of books, but because so many people talk up this series, I managed to finish this one book. I was so filled with “meh” at the end of it, that I did not continue the series. I gather lots of people think this is a truly great series, and a lot of people agree with me that it is not.

    7. Song of ice and fire. I was just so upset that the 4th book didn’t have any of the main characters in it. Dune: I got through 5th original book. Can’t seem to find the effort to pick up book 6.

    8. systemstheorist on

      The Safehold series by David Weber.

      The premise is really fun:

      After being nearly wiped out by technologically advanced alien species drawn to electronics. The last colony of humanity must stay below a pre-electronic civilization to hide from the alien species. The administrators of the colony go rouge to keep humanity safe by creating an entire religion systematically designed to prevent any technological progress forever. An android awakens thousand years into this world and attempts to engineer a revolution against the church with his knowledge of every technology in humanity’s history.

      The books start off fun exploring how the incremental progresses in technology going from middle ages era level of technology to a renaissance era level of technology. You can how the story is clearly framing the logical conclusion that humanity will rise up and go out into the universe to defeat that alien species stronger than ever.

      However by the tenth book they still hadn’t moved past late 1800s steam punk era technology and no sign humanity will ever leave Safehold.

      Had they devoted maybe one book per century of earth technology you would have had a great 5-7 book series. Instead it got bogged down with explain every increment in excessive technobable detail.

      I dropped out by book 6 and haven’t had desire to return to it.

      The series remains unfinished and hasn’t published a book since 2019.

    9. Twilight: it’s badly written. Just the style, the structure of the story and sentences…it’s terrible.

    10. progfiewjrgu938u938 on

      A Song of Fire and Ice. I thought the first three books were amazing. I got bored halfway through book four and stopped reading. Even if I did push through and finish books four and five, it’s not like there’s an ending to look forward to.

    11. I gave up the Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. I read the first one, and that’s it. The premise sounded way more puzzle/riddle heavy, and it turned out to be a steamy pile of teen romance garbage. I don’t feel guilty not attempting to read the rest of the series.

    12. Educational-Option18 on

      I’m struggling with the Stormlight Archives, I’m almost ashamed to say. I like the magic system but the characters all grate on me in their own way. We also seem to spend an entire book developing one character for them to almost immediately regress in the next book, only to then battle the same issues for the entirety of the next book. I’ve just finished Oathbringer and there’s little motivation to pick up the next one

    13. Gave up halfway through book 3 of *The Baroque Cycle* by Neal Stephenson. Just wasn’t worth reading the last sixth of the series. I was so bored.

      Also *Earth’s Children* by Jean M. Auel got … stupid. Read three books and had enough.

    14. Most of the big ones: WOT (too long and repetitive), ASOIAF (not quite a ditto but similar reason + everyone dies), Gentlemen Bastards (felt no compelling reason to continue), Kingkiller Series (hated the main character, not that I believe a third book will come out)… Also stopped reading The Warded Man series (casual rape/incest), The Prince of Thorns Series (casual mention of rape), Dresden Series (got bored of Harry), Broken Earth Series (didn’t like the main character or plot), and a ton more..

      I’m a fickle and picky reader of fantasy, I’ve read a lot of the genre and not a lot impresses me.

    15. Wheel of Time, but I read , idk, 9 or so. This series needed serious, heavy editing. Every inconsequential side character gets lengthy back stories and you never know that they’re not going to be central characters until you simply never see them again! This was infuriating.

    16. Ringworld series I’m nearly at the end of book 2 and it’s not for me .
      The long price quartet .I listened to it and couldn’t get into it ,maybe it’s one I need to read . I loved dagger and coin by the same author

    17. Impossible-Wait1271 on

      Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab. Maybe I need to give it another shot but I was so bored and could not be convinced to give a shit about the characters.

    18. I’ve given up on War and Peace. I read 2 volumes in full and when I started reading the third one I became very bored. I couldn’t get over myself, although I started reading very enthusiastically. But I’m going to have to finish reading this soon anyway.

    19. Infinite Jest. Made it 300 or so pages. It made me not want to read anymore. 1,200 pages is a lot of smaller books I could read.

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