September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi guys! I recently finished reading Jane Eyre and although I liked the book it’s not my favorite book and I just have so many questions. One of them being is in relation to Jane and Mr Rochester… the book often takes this sort of forward feminist approach especially when Jane is talking she wants to be free and she often references birds when talking about freedom. What I’m failing to understand is why when Jane leaves Mr Rochester she’s free and then she just goes back to Mr Rochester anyways once she achieves that freedom. Like when they’re at the dress and jeweler shop she hates how he dresses her up and tries to make her out to be this person she isn’t or how she hates he plays this manipulating games etc just to end up chaining herself to him again I mean now he’s blind and for the rest of his life she will most likely just be taking care of him why is that? If the book is so feminist and so forward why does she end up with the man who hurts her manipulates her etc? Can someone help me understand I’m not very smart 😅

    by peachyyogurttt

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