September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’d love to read outside of my personal preferences and expand my genre pool. However, I’m usually the type to crinkle my nose at overly gushy stuff. A novel I read recently, which I enjoyed, was Wuthering Heights–so if possible, perhaps something akin to that vein of romance. Dark, all-consuming, fatal, etc.

    Thank you in advance!

    by Apprehensive-Gur-967


    1. Wuthering Heights is not a Romance.

      Romance is a genre with specific conventions, one of which is by the end of the book, the people who are romantically involved have a happy ending.

      There are lots of Romance stories that have dark plots, but in the end the protagonists get their HEA (Happily Every After) or HFN (Happy For Now) ending.

      If you want a crashing disaster of a plot like Wuthering Heights (which is a legitimate ask!) you need to look at books other than Romances.

      That said, try *Thérèse Raquin* by Émile Zola. I haven’t read it because I don’t like dark Gothic tales but the description says you might like it.

    2. I wouldn’t call it a romance, but The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte had a very interesting story. I like Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, but The Tenant might be my favorite Bronte sister novel.

    3. Read the rest of the Brontes if you haven’t already. Particularly Jane Eyre and Villette. Villette is my favorite Bronte novel and doesn’t get enough love in my opinion.

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