July 2024
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    1. readundancies on

      The Half-Life of Valery K by Natasha Pulley was a real treat of a read for me and covers radioactive disaster and the fallout in a neat way – through a historical lens. It’s not a perfect fit for what you’re asking for, but definitely worth looking into imo.

    2. The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women by Kate Moore. Fantastic book!

    3. > I’m a huge fallout fan

      Haha, OK, I suppose I know what you mean 😀

      It made me think of *Fall-Out* by Gudrun Pausewang. It’s a bit dated (written in the 80s), slightly pedagogical, and *very* bleak, much more disturbing than you would expect from a book written for young readers. It had an enormous effect on the environmentalist movement, particularly in Germany.

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