July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve never seen the movie and I was in the mood for an exciting novel so I decided to try it. I’m a third of the way through and I’m losing interest. I know it’s genre fiction but the writing is painful. Following sentences will say the same exact thing that the previous sentence did, he doesn’t describe anything very well and the characters are pretty flat. The graphs are also driving me insane. I’m a third of the way through, the place where people are being shown around the park. Is the rest of the book exciting or more of the same?

    by Big_John29


    1. I love this book so much.

      I love the sequel even more. I’d finish just so you can get to the lost world.

    2. i listened to the audiobook and didnt have issues, in fact in several places i literally rolled on the floor laughing and i did find the children unbearable though it so there is that

    3. wabashcanonball on

      Is the repeating intentional? Anyhow, put it down and move on. Life is too short to read something you don’t enjoy. Trust me. I’m old.

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