September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Yeah I think title is the best way to describe it. I recently finally got around to reading Gone Girl and was blown away. One of the things that really stuck out to me was how Nick often described Amy as the “Old Testament God.” Which I guess is a great comparison based on the stories of her going bizarre lengths to get back at strangers for insignificant (according to Nick of course) offenses.

    A similar character I found was in For Your Own Good by Samantha Downing. The main character is a schoolteacher named Teddy, an egotistical, holier-than-thou, secret control freak. This was mentioned early in the novel but basically >! he would go around spiking people’s drinks based on what he thinks that they need. Those who are too uptight will get something to chill them out. Those who need to be humbled will get something that makes them sick. In his twisted thinking, he’s technically helping them. It’s for their own good. He also sabotaged a student’s recommendation letter because he thinks she needs some hardship to become a better person. Teddy mentions that over and over again how he just wanted his students to be better and it’s his job as a teacher to guide them 🙄 !<

    Growing up, my favorite series was Death Note. I haven’t found that type of love again until I got more into the thriller genre. But I think what got me so hooked on these stories are the characters. Relatable in the worst way possible—many people may have thought of doing what these psychos did but no one actually have the energy, time, or heart to do it.

    Please recommend me some books with characters who have their own twisted thinking and sense of justice.

    by zsaszagabor

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