September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So, my mom wants to get back into reading for fun, but she wants to avoid any explicit sexual content in books (kissing and occasional heavy petting is run of the mill, but anything else should fade to black). She was originally considering Christian Romance and I had to be the one to break the bad news that Christian Romance isn’t necessarily “clean” (many are but plenty aren’t) nor does it normally contain the fantasy and sci-fi aspects she desires.

    She loves stories where the man and woman get together at the end, they just gotta. They absolutely have to. Happily Ever After **required.** But she also loves dragons, magic, dungeons, space fights, aliens, etc.

    I don’t read fantasy for the romance (my books have romance as a subplot, if romance even exists), but she wants it front and center. As much as I would like to say, “try to avoid lgptq+ in the books,” she may just have to get over it. If a book you recommend has side characters that are part of the queer community, just signal that in your recommendation and my mom can make her own decision. Plenty of wonderful authors would immediately be excluded if I banned queer representation. The main characters *must be straight though.* Like this is my mom’s romance book haha.

    Another thing, if you happen to know of a Christian author who writes Christian Romance set in a fantasy world, PLEASE recommend it and signal that it’s a Christian Romance!

    My mom is in her early 50s but I’ve already primed her that many books she’ll be recommended will be from YA sections, but if you have some from Adult, that’d also be great just so that she can enjoy a denser text.

    In summary, I’m looking for sickly sweet Romantic Fantasy/Sci-fi with happily ever after and it has to be two chili peppers or less spicy. Man + Woman main required. Here for the romance, stay for the romance in the fantasy world. Thank you!!!!! 😊🙏🏾

    by OpalJade98

    1 Comment

    1. To be clear, *I* will happily read queer main character rep, but these books aren’t for me, so please respect that and not be mean about my mom!

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