July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    *Trigger warning*

    I was watching Sillicon Valley, and the character of Dana was introduced. He is a CEO and founder of a tech company. He does not talk much, but is clearly smart. It was mentioned that a few weeks back, he had been injured. Our protagonist asks him what happened, and he stares, blank faced, and calmly says:>!I tried to commit suicide!<

    I am looking for a book protagonist that is calm on the exterior, dead faced, cold, seemingly logical. But is actually completely and chaotically insane. Kinda specific I know. Hopefully somebody here can help me.

    by Lower-Tumbleweed6107


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    2. Probably all of When We Cease to Understand the World by Benjamin Labatut. He often writes about spiraling mathematicians, so all of them are pretty logical but also illogical. You could skip the first section of the book which is not explicitly about that.

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