September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have been trying to read and finish The Babel by R.F. Kuang for over three months now. I bought it with a gift card I got as a college graduation gift from my boyfriend. Firstly, I thought it was my type of book and i would really like it. Sadly, I just dont seem to enjoy it as much, but giving up completely would make me feel very guilty. I am also unable to pick up any other book in the meantime because I dislike reading two books at once. This caused me to fall into a big reading slump unfortunately. What can i do to ease my feelings over this?

    by rozapcelica

    1 Comment

    1. Literatevoyager on

      My take: we read for fun and enjoyment. If something isn’t fun or enjoyable, read (or do) something else — there’s no guilt in that. It can be fun sometimes to go shopping for books with a partner — maybe show him then the sort of books you particularly enjoy.

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