September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Not much to it, I find the cosier, easier to read, they don’t lose shape… my wife said that she actively won’t read a hard cover if there’s a paperback version. She also brought up the money aspect of it, which I don’t fully agree with since one can buy books second hand anyway.

    What do you guys think? (Keep it chill, I’ve has weirdly heated conversations about this)

    by InformationDue7138


    1. Turbulent_One_5771 on

      I do not really care and I enjoy books in both formats. However, I assosicate hardcover with more serious books (perhaps classics), books that ought to be approached with reverence and carefulness. That’s why I wouldn’t tolerate a paperback version of Plato’s *Republic* or a hardcover version of *Fifty Shades of Gray* (God forgive me for pronouncing the two in the same breath.)

    2. conspicuousperson on

      I greatly prefer hardcover, but it has one big disadvantage. It’s always more expensive and is increasingly rare. I want to get a hardcover of Les Misérables, but the only one I can find that isn’t the 19th-century translation is one from one of the more controversial translations.

    3. I would imagine this is the more popular opinion, but I am not sure. I personally prefer hardcover, but the price is a bit of an issue. I usually do not buy them unless the price difference is relatively small or it’s a book or edition I particularly want.

    4. I definitely prefer hardcover, mostly for its durability and ability to hold its shape. I pretty much exclusively read in bed, so I need something that won’t bend under its own weight while I’m slouching against my pillows lol They also just look much nicer. Nothing wrong with a cracked spine–its a sign of a well-loved book–but since they sit on the bookshelf spine out, I like them to look nice.

      I really don’t understand why or how anyone could dislike hardcover. Preferring softcover is of course chill, but actively disliking hardcover? Just seems odd to me. And when their main gripe is the dust jacket, as if its welded to the book. like just take it off babes lmao

    5. I’m all for paperbacks myself. They’re cheaper so I can buy more books, and PB’s take up less space. A hardback can give a book more durability, which is great for a frequently used reference book, but a lot of books I read are one read only fiction novels so I don’t really need them to be durable.

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