July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Digital conspiracy, spying, big brother watching you… Not much more. It’s a simple B movie story, and therefore it is fast paced, I could flip it through in a long weekend. All the emerging concepts, ideas and lessons were already explained in a much more unique and interesting way in Black Mirror, X-files, 24, but even the light documentary series of Netflix provided more content.

    What I’ve liked:

    \- nice cover

    \- the HUN version included a similarly nice bookmark

    What I’ve hated:

    \- present tense

    \- weird terminus technicus

    \- cliché Elon Musk character

    \- technology is evil

    \- short chapters, 1-2 pages

    \- 2 dimensional, boring characters

    \- product names in the text

    \- a story without any original thought

    The text is fast-paced, full of action, yet empty of content and weightless. It maybe entertaining for a long train or plane ride, but it’s best to get it from the library or just read something else instead.


    by besucherke

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