September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to learn more about cartography. About the art of different maps. About the science behind maps. About the history of maps. About treasure maps and world maps and ancient maps and local maps. I’d prefer nonfiction.

    I’m specifically curious about maps before the Age of Navigation and Colonization. Obviously maps were less accurate prior to the Age of Navigation, especially the ones that tried to cover a larger area, and I’d love to learn more about them. What were some common inaccuracies? Who used them? What maps from earlier eras *were* reasonably accurate? Were they used as art to hang on a wall? Were they used by travelers? Were they just a weird thing that geographer and scientists made? Aside from innacuracies, what other major differences did they have to today’s maps?

    Suggest me a map book, and I *will* read it.

    by escapistworld


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