September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So, about ten years ago i was in the basement of a home i was renting. In it, i found a book in pristine condition hidden in a nook between the ceiling and the wall. Its Mein Kampf from 1933. I thought it might have value so i kept it. Packed it away and promptly forgot about it. Now i find it in the attic last week and i want it gone, but its not exactly the kind of thing you put on ebay. How do i find its value? How can i sell it (or give it away if the value is zero)? Ive never owned anything “controversial” before so im at a loss.

    by PoomBrother


    1. FoghornLegday on

      Why can’t you put it on eBay? If people are interested they’ll bid. If they don’t want it they won’t

    2. SweetCosmicPope on

      Is there anything particularly special about this copy other than it being old?

      You can always check what it’s going for on alibris if it’s on there.

      I wouldn’t worry too much about selling it and being judged. The book itself is still widely available at most book stores and libraries, and makes for a good study volume on his character. While there is the occasional angsty teen who’s reading it to be edgy, most readers of this book are looking to educate themselves on the man so despised the world over.

    3. Fishandchipslover22 on

      Why would you even want to give it away for free? Let alone make a profit on a manifesto that caused the death of millions. This post is way too edgy for me.

    4. mauricioszabo on

      It all depends on how you feel about things.

      For me, somebody once gave me a book about creationism. It was… let’s say, a dangerous book. For the trained eye, you could see that the pastor that wrote it basically used science when it was convenient from him, and dismissed the same science (and the same studies he previously cited) when it wasn’t.

      But for the untrained eye, the thing made sense. I ended up burning it – literally. I could not live with the fact that somebody would read that piece of crap and _believe_ and have _arguments_ about creationism, in an era when teachers are quite literally being _forced to teach the wrong thing_.

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