September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve started 2024 with a big goal: read the must-read books in literature. My last book: Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Marquez. Before: The Elephant Vanishes and Men Without Women by Murakami. Help me sharing your top 10 book recommendations!

    by Impossible_Monk1853

    1 Comment

    1. 1. Les Miserables, Hugo

      2. To kill a mockingbird, Lee

      3. Moby Dick, Melville

      4. Pride and prejudice, Austen

      5. East of Eden, Steinbeck

      6. Atonement, Evans

      7. Shogun, Clavell

      8. Everything is Illuminated, Foer

      9. Enders game, Card

      10. Fine Balance, Mistry

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