July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to read a lot this year, but i honestly dont know what books to read! Im curious about what you read, it doesn’t matter if it’s in English, french or arabic. Just comment down the book that left the biggest impact on you!

    Ps: psychological books and self improvement ones and whatnot are not my type!

    History, politics, and psychological thriller/ dark themed novels are the genres of books I do enjoy the most ❤️ I’d love to read horror novels 🎃

    by AcceptableWitness116


    1. Jurassic Park, seriously. Dark, smart, and great at building tension. Other then the general plot, character names and a couple key moments it is very different from movie and much better.

    2. The kite runner – khaleed Hossain, I’m probably way off on the author’s name spelling, but a damn good book 👌

    3. A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G Summers. It’s one of my favourite books that I’ve read this year!

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