July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was thinking about my reading habits as a child and a teenager versus now that I am an adult.

    Here is one thing I noticed, which is probably particular to me and my experiences as opposed to strictly the effect of aging:

    When I was younger, I was a big fan of fantasy fiction. I loved to get lost in fantasy. It was exhilarating. But as I got older, there was a shift into more realistic fiction and even into nonfiction. It seemed I needed to understand the world I lived in. It was a kind of practical concerns replacing the freedom of imaginary worlds.

    Have you noticed any patterns?

    by davecopperfield


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    2. The_InvisibleWoman on

      I’ve done the same as you but in reverse – always loved literary fiction but have recently totally got into soft sci-fi. I’ve also become more picky as I’ve got older. I dnf far more books than I used to. Maybe I feel I’m running out of time 😭😭😭

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