November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For me personally almost any piece of literature is a lot richer as I wonder more about the subtext of writing. If characters represent people, what are their lives like *off* the page? Of course this can be applied to any storytelling medium, like movies or video games, too.

    There’s also historical context. It’s incredible to have a resource like Wikipedia where I can read about the lives of authors even if it is limited, or look up events that books mention without having to own a set of encyclopedias. It helps me develop a better sense of what a piece of writing actually means.

    There’s a multitude of other things, like improved diction and appreciation of style, but I think the broader perspective I have in general, which reading also enhances, is the biggest thing I notice when I read now.

    How about yourselves?

    by shipmepickles

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