September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    looking for a book that has a messed up plot and that just makes you rethink everything you know/your sanity. bonus if there are big plot twists that leave ur jaw on the floor.
    my fav books of this theme are: tender is the flesh, night bitch, bunny, my year of rest and relaxation 🙂

    by Big-Asparagus4115


    1. A Little Life
      It’s beautifully written but it is such a trauma dump. It almost felt like author loved punishing her characters. Would not recommend it but needed to rant xD

      Check out Metamorphosis by Kafka and Disgrace by Coetzee. Weird premises but great writing!

    2. Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer

      This book is genuinely something else. I’ve never read anything like it. I feel that you will also have a profound reaction to it. Please give it a read. It’s worth every page.

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