September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just want to say that I am very very aware how much of a newby reader I am. I have read books FOR school, and was read TO as a child, but I always considered myself someone who is much more of a person that can learn and understand through visuals.

    My dad read to us a lot as kids, and I think I gained a grasp on vocabulary through that, but I never fostered a reading relationship due to it, but 22 years later, and with my first child on the way (March 29th!), I decided now would be a good time to pick up a book, and I have started to read “Gunslinger – The Dark Tower” by Stephen King.

    I have no reference for whether or not this is a good book for a beginner to read, I have no clue how to tell whether a book is even good or not, but I know my sister loves this series and that was enough for me. In 2 days, I have read 56 pages, which I imagine to many of you, likely seems a snail’s pace, but for me, that’s 56 MORE than I have done in 22 years.

    I didn’t know where else to share this novelty than here, but I am glad to now be able to say I am a reader, even if that is on the most minor scale.

    by Elliottislegit


    1. Picked a good one to start with, it’s a long series but not a hard read if you’re into it.

    2. Awesome work! Keep it up.

      > I have no clue how to tell whether a book is even good or not

      Don’t worry about that. Worry about whether you like it or not.

    3. I remember when I finished Uni (I got a bunch of degrees back to back). The first things was, “how do I pick out a book for pleasure?” The next thing, and this took be about 5 years, I don’t have to finish a book if I don’t like it.

    4. You are at the beginning of a beautiful journey. I hope it opens up exciting new worlds and ways of thinking for you as it has for me. Congrats! I have not yet taken a trip to the Dark Tower myself, but I do read Stephen King. I will eventually get around to it. Enjoy!

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