July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I normally find books for YA much more enjoyable as I am thinking less about reading and just enjoying the book. As much as I am happy to consume media targeted for both adults and teenagers, I don’t want to read actual adult books every now and then.

    However, when the reading gets too hard I often just switch to audio books. Like I did for the song of ice and fire series. There’s got to be a fantasy book series that’s for adults but easier to read than the likes of Dune.

    For context I’m dyslexic but it’s not that bad (managed to graduate from uni with no hassle). Also I’m in my early-mid twenties. I’m perfectly capable to read a book like Dune, it’s just not that fun as I’m concentrating too much on reading.

    by Bli3333


    1. Anxious_Mastodon8367 on

      Terry Pratchett’s Discworld is more comic fantasy but a brilliant series with plenty to choose from , Terry tackles complex issues with his trademark wit and wisdom.

    2. Shades of Magic by V.E. Schwab and Legacy of OrïshabyTomi Adeyemi. They’re both high fantasy for a new adult audience. The physical books and audio books are good.

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