September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The phrase was mentioned in a book a read regarding procrastination lately and described a large issue of mines to a tee. Unfortunately the section was only a few paragraphs and would like to explore methods of overcoming this more.

    There seems to be plenty of blogs and articles using the term but I can’t seem to find books related to it.

    If anyone is familiar with any book that focusses on this issue and techniques to mitigate, it would be much appreciated.

    Rough description borrowed from elsewhere if this helps. But I’m guessing the term is fairly self-explanatory

    People with low frustration tolerance have a hard time coping with inconveniences, discomfort, or difficult everyday situations. In simple terms, they are very easily frustrated. Low frustration tolerance is marked by a high sensitivity to stressors due to a lack of emotional regulation skills

    (1.)Belief systems like “life should be easy” or “unfair things always happen to me”

    (2.)Getting angry at everyday stressors

    (3.)Exaggerated reactions to inconvenience or discomfort

    (4.)Giving up on tough tasks immediately

    (5.) A tendency to lash out at people who are close to you

    by HDal86

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