September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone, I am new to this community and Reddit, but I have read a lot of intriguing posts, so I thought it would be interesting to share my reading experience.

    I am an English literature major in my first year of college. From kindergarten to the tail end of middle school, I was an avid reader even when it was considered “geeky” and “nerdy”. At the beginning of my eighth grade year, I moved north across the country and once I got to high school I didn’t read as much as I should have or would have liked to. I think one of my biggest regrets is the fact that I didn’t take in more literature during the more formative years.

    I began writing in 2021 a year after I graduated high school and two years later decided to go to college but it was in 2022 that I began reading again and buying books on mass which is also the year I took a break from writing ironically enough but I’m happy that I’ve gotten back into reading and finished some books whether it’s for school or my enjoyment. I’ve always said that while you won’t enjoy every piece of literature and art there is always something you can take away from it. As cliche as it may sound I think it’s important to read not just in school or as a kid but throughout life. For me as a creative writer, reading helps me ideas and get over those writing blocks. I think the best art and literature are the ones that encourage thoughtful dialogue and have themes. Art is a projection of the multifaceted human experience and deserves to be protected.

    I’ve always had a love of lore and life itself. You don’t realize how much beauty is around you until you stop and admire it.

    Being older and wiser I’ve come to embrace my nerdy side and my love of the English language. I plan to keep all the books I’ve read and have a library so my future children can read at home and understand the importance of literature.

    I apologize for this post being long but I wanted to share my own literature experience and encourage thoughtful dialogue. Feel free to comment and tell me about your own reading experience if you’re comfortable.

    by Mediocre_Detail_2566

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