July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have been trying to find this book for like 3 years and its so bad that i have turned to reddit. The book is about 2 teenagers in a world of monsters. The girl had just moved to this high school and never really wanted to fit in so she skipped class a lot. Her father is a part of this big monster hunting group that basically enslaves big monsters to go kill other monsters that are living in the city. The boy she meets she soon finds out is a monster. Which is why he also never fit in. I am pretty sure in the middle of the book her father captures the boy and she helps him escape. Except they both just leave the city or attempt to. All I really remember is the ending where they explore an abandoned house and then walk out to the back and find the boys mother. I do know the book is apart of a two book series if that helps.

    by Zealousideal-Big5095

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