September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So when I was a kid, maybe 11-12 years old, I read this book which I’ve been trying to find recently. I have no recollection of the title or author, all I can remember is parts of the plot. I’ve searched all over the internet and I haven’t been able to find it anywhere.

    What I remember is that the main character is this girl, and her younger brother has cancer. I recall the girl talking about how he’s tired all the time and things like that. One day she goes into the hospital and meets this teenage girl who has cancer as well, and they kind of become friends? I’m pretty sure the parents of the girl don’t approve of their friendship because of the age difference or something like that.
    I also remember the main character girl befriending this other girl at her school who’s very morbid, saying very dark things that kind of freak the main character out I guess. At the end the teenager dies I’m pretty sure (yeah it’s a very sad book despite it being for kids).
    If anyone knows what this book is please tell me! Thank you!

    by care_are

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