July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. I always recommend ‘The Lord of the Rings’ by J.R.R. Tolkien to anyone looking to be immersed in an epic fantasy adventure. Tolkien’s Middle-earth is a masterclass in world-building, complete with its own languages, races, and a battle between the forces of good and evil that has become the blueprint for modern fantasy.

    2. * Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone. Urban fantasy, first in a series. There’s a lot of books out so far but I don’t know if it’s done.

      * The Fortress series by C. J. Cherryh. Completed fantasy series. This is a lower tech fantasy world that focuses a lot more on everyday life and the relationships between the characters, and the author has a slow paced writing style that isn’t for everyone.

      * The author Tad Williams has written a lot of fantasy, both urban fantasy and epic fantasy. I haven’t read most of it, so I’m not sure which one(s) you would like best. There’s the high fantasy Shadowmarch series, the Memory Sorrow and Thorn series, and the urban fantasy Bobby Dollar series.

    3. anonAccount357557 on

      -Codex Alera by Jim Butcher: Set in a world where people get control over Elements by binding magical spirits to them. Has a strong roman empire theme

      -Dresden Files by Jim Butcher: Its one of the most popular urban fantasy series. Its about a wizard living in Chicago and sometimes working for the police.

      – Wheel of time

      – Lotr

      – Cradle by Will Wight: MC is bad at the magic of his clan. He leaves his clan and travels the world to become strong.

      – House of Blades by Will Wight: Some people can travel to different planes of existence and learn different powers there. Those people are called travelers. MC is not the chosen one only a childhood friend of the chosen one but after his village is attacked he leaves to become a traveler.

      – Everything by Brandon Sanderson

    4. Trilogies for you, all complete:

      Divine Cities trilogy by Robert Jackson Bennett, starts with *City of Stairs*

      Winnowing Flame trilogy by Jen Williams, starts with *The Ninth Rain* – also her Copper Cat trilogy, starts with *The Copper Promise*

      Chronicles of the Bitch Queen trilogy by KS Villoso, starts with *The Wolf of Oren Yaro*

      The Tide Child trilogy by RJ Barker, starts with *The Bone Ships*

      Dominion of the Fallen by Aliette de Bodard, starts with *The House of Shattered Wings*

      Broken Earth by NK Jemisin, starts with *The Fifth Season*

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