September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey readers, Im hoping someone has some ideas. I’m a librarian and I have a senior patron who has been manually tracking his reading on paper since 2011 and now wants to track what he’s read on his ipad. I was wondering if anyone knows any very, very simple and straightforward tracking apps that might be suitable.

    Goodreads is likely too much for him, but I dont have experience with any others. Are any more streamlined and simple?

    by risteek


    1. I take a photo of the book after I finish it. I created an album and labeled it Books I’ve Read. The apple software dates the photo so your patron will know the date they finished the book.

    2. backwardsguitar on

      Just the basic Notes app maybe?

      Goodreads: If you could help them create an account it’s probably not too difficult for them to add books after that. They can even scan the barcode to add a book.

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