September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Anyone have any recommendations for a mind-fuck book.. with or smth with concepts such as time loops, immortality, etc. Something thought-provoking with a fast pace?

    by Remarkable-Neck-4235


    1. I have a copule to recommend by Linwood Barclay that fucked with my head for about a week after reading and they were:

      No Time For Goodbye: **On the morning she will never forget, suburban teenager Cynthia Archer awakes with a nasty hangover and a feeling she is going to have an even nastier confrontation with her mom and dad. But when she leaves her bedroom, she discovers the house is empty, with no sign of her parents or younger brother Todd. In the blink of an eye, without any explanation, her family has simply disappeared.**
      **Twenty-five years later Cynthia is still haunted by unanswered questions. Were her family murdered? If so, why was she spared? And if they’re alive, why did they abandon her in such a cruel way? Now married with a daughter of her own, Cynthia fears that her new family will be taken from her just as her first one was. And so she agrees to take part in a TV documentary revisiting the case, in the hope that somebody somewhere will remember something – or even that her father, mother or brother might finally reach out to her . . .**
      **Then a letter arrives which makes no sense and yet chills Cynthia to the core. And soon she begins to realise that stirring up the past could be the worst mistake she has ever made . . .**

      A Tap On The Window: **When Cal Weaver stops at a red light on a rainy night while driving home, he ignores the bedraggled-looking teenage girl trying to hitch a ride – even when she starts tapping on his window. But when he realises she’s one of his son’s classmates, he knows he can’t really leave her, alone, on the street.**
      **But nothing prepares him for the consequences of trying to help her out. The next morning he’s gone from Good Samaritan to Murder Suspect, and with one girl dead and another missing, he’s suddenly at the centre of a deadly puzzle that reaches right to the heart of the town – from its bullying police force to its strangely furtive mayor – and finally to one family’s shocking secret.**

      Hope these fit the Criteria and you enjoy them if you check them out.

    2. ImpressionistReader on

      A Short Stay in Hell by Steven L. Peck is a short and quick read about the concept of eternity when a man is sent to a very particular hell.

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