September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i’m looking for a book in which the main characters are teens, a YA romance yk. I want the male character to be crazy in love with a girl (i don’t care about her personality) but i would prefer for him to be kinda like a fuckboy, hot, strong, tall, handsome yk. he wants to get her and flirts insistently, but she rejects (or pays no attention to) him every time, but not in a tiring way, but in a sexy i-know-you-want-me-so-imma-see-how-far-you-can-go way. like she’s in love too and knows perfectly well what shes doing, she’s just spicing things up and making him wait so when the moment comes it’s hotter than ever. smut preferably:) and he just does whatever he wants to her, he’s super desperate and acts like an animal in bed lol obviously she enjoys it all. thanks y’all, this is so weirdly worded sorry

    by rofra10

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