September 2024
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    Which books published in the 21st century do you believe will become classics/stand the test of time? Which do you think are just trends and will be forgotten? Some that come to mind for me that I believe have some staying power are the My Struggle series by Karl Ove Knausgaard and Normal People by Sally Rooney. I’ve heard good things about The Last Samurai by Helen Dewitt as well, which I own but haven’t read yet.

    I haven’t read anything by Colleen Hoover or Sarah J. Maas (so I have no right to say anything about it) but something about their work feels more like a fashion trend that’ll be here today and gone tomorrow–a feeling that, though possibly unjustified, is deterring me from giving them a shot. I also suspect their writing is a bit… below average.

    Leaving The Atocha Station by Ben Lerner is another book that could stick around IMO. Does anyone have any recommendations or predictions of some books that you think will last? Are there any that I should avoid? I’ve been hovering around picking up some Emma Cline and Douglas Stewart… it’s so hard to sift through newer publications!

    by elchapjoe

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