September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Im going on a trip to mexico on saturday. Every time i go on a vacation i get a book to read. My last vacation i got Anthony Bourdain the definative oral biography by Laurie Woolever and the one before that i got the tattooist of auschwitz. I like non fiction, biographies, history/military, memoirs.

    by Shryk92


    1. CommissarCiaphisCain on

      Since you’re headed to Mexico, my rec is *Aztec* by Gary Jennings. One of my all-time favorites.

    2. The Longest Winter by Alex Kershaw is one of my favorite military history books. It tells the story of the most decorated American unit during WW2.

      The Last Battle by Stephen Harding is another good WW2 military history book. It tells the story of a strange battle in WW2 where the American military fought together with the German army against the Waffen SS.

      Bill Bryson is one of my favorite non-fiction authors. I’ve read several of his books on vacation. A Walk in the Woods is one of my favorites.

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