September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Im currently reading Gormenghast trilogy, and i feel warm, i feel interested, devoted to book, it feels soft, yet punchy when it desires to, and leaves with no choice but to think. It awakes certain sense of caring for the characters, where everything that Peake wrote fights against simple knowing what will happen, but living in the moment with characters and daring to think what will be. Peake-s writing is something special and truly a gem, he literally writes as he paints a painting, sweet and sour 🙂 Interesting thing is last book i read before starting Gormenghast was Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess and Michael Moorcock (aside from Elric, Hawkmoon would be my favorite ever) were pretty vocal of Gormenghast and Peake as an outstanding work of pure lovely genious, and writing that screams word amazement. Well i guess this is appreciation post 🙂 Cheers Gormenghasters!

    by TheInVo


    1. BoredNoodleWrecker on

      The ONLY reason I’ve read any of these books is because I found the Folio Society edition trilogy at a flea market in Philadelphia for 40 bucks. I’ve only read the first one thus far, but I did find it enjoyable.

    2. Dont know how far you are through so I wont reveal any spoilers but I was seriously upset when my favourite character died quite early on. Stopped reading it for ages – but went back to it eventually.

    3. A guy I went to Uni with wrote his dissertation on them, and I’ve been meaning to read the books ever since

    4. The BBC serialised it a few years back and it was hyped up as a landmark production. I remembered it being pretty good but watched it again recently and it was not. The books are though!

    5. Cheloniandaemon on

      I have read the first two stories am savouring the third. I don’t know what it is but I love the writing.

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