October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What are everyone’s top 3 final battles in book series? Mine would have to be:

    1) the ride of the rohirrim in Lord of the Rings – I love the language used and you can find a video on YouTube of JRR Tolkien reading this scene because he said it was his favorite scene from the books. It’s so epic how they ride into battle knowing they’re going to die and chanting “Death! Death!” and I mean how can you not love the iconic lines and imagery? “Ride for ruin and the red dawn!” goes crazy.

    2) the final battle in Dune (the first book) – it’s the perfect culmination to such a slow burn. The Fremen blasting the Shield Walls in the middle of a great grandmother of a sandstorm and riding on sand worms into the capital of Arrakis, the sky filled with spaceships as all the feudal ships and the empire wait overhead to see who will come out on top, and Paul’s final battle with that one Harkonnen who was supposed to be him in the Bene Gesserit schemes, combined with Baron Harkonnen meeting his demise in the best way possible. Everything just comes to a head and there’s such a satisfying payoff

    3) the final battle in the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks – for reasons that apply to the top two, it’s just epic and heartbreaking all at the same time, but I really love the “normal ragtag army holds off cursed army of the dead against all odds and is saved last minute by powerful magic the protagonists have been trying to unlock through the whole story” trope in fantasy novels.

    by drwearing

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