July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    As a young adult I wanted to get back into reading a lot but struggled to maintain interest unless it caught me right away (I had ADHD) I decided to try audiobooks, and never looked back! But I would still usually start and ditch books ALL the time. Then I listened to Cat Chaser and maaaan what a revelation. When I first picked it up I had no idea who he was (I know blasphemy) but he is probably top 3 favourite writers. I love his wry, witty humour, sharp prose, extremely likeable if somewhat amoral characters. Anyways since then I have long blown through his entire collective work 🙁 since I found an author I liked I did seek out authors who I heard or was told one way or another were similar. So far the author who I have enjoyed the most and reminds me a lot of Leonard is Lou Berney, started with November Road and was hooked. Other notables Ive widely read are Dennis Lehane, Don Winslow, James Ellroy, George Pelecanos, Walter Mosley, James Lee Burke. Ive heard Robert Crais but havent read anything by him yet, and tried a Death in China but didnt finish it.

    Sorry for the novel (pun intentional) TL;dr Love me some Elmore Leonard, who in your opinion is the “heir” to his throne (I know its cliche…. and highly objective) ? Furthermore to align with this subreddit more specifically. What author do you think I would like? I prefer Author recommendations to specific novels but by all means if you want to specify a title by them or just one novel in particular.


    Other favourite authors are

    Eric Ambler

    Ken Follet

    John Le Carre

    Graham Greene

    Anthony Doerr

    Charles McCarry

    Stephen King

    Conn Iggulden


    Favourite Genre’s

    Spy Fiction

    Hard boiled crime / noir

    Historical Fiction

    Narrative history (non fiction)

    Dabble in some fantasy (Stephen Erickson)


    by thasomborshuffle

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