July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Some of these are adaptations of books, but I’m not looking for as literal as “Lord of the Rings” haha (though I’m not opposed to a good fairy tale retelling, for example). I don’t like gore or a lot of sexual content or profanity and am not in the mood for anything that will leave me sad. I want to be delighted and content. Thank you in advance!

    Beauty & the Beast (1991)

    Cinderella (2015)

    Lord of the Rings

    The Magic of Ordinary Days


    Penelope (2006)

    Roman Holiday

    The Sound of Music

    Star Wars original trilogy

    by Elegant_Gobbledygook


    1. Victorian_Cowgirl on

      If you like animals, try books from Walter Farley, James Herriot, and Albert Payson Terhune.
      Also, try Jane Austen, Mark Twain, or Charles Dickens.

    2. PositiveBeginning231 on

      Try *Heart of the Raven Prince* by Tessonja Odette. It’s a Cinderella retelling in a fantasy/Fae world. There are other fairytale retellings in the same universe as well (Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast).

    3. Winterblade1980 on

      Maybe Shadow Side by April Kuper
      In the middle of a war with the shadow elves; beastly creatures with the features of an elf that seek the annihilation of anyone that crosses their path, the paladins fight to protect everyone they can from them. Virgil seeks to become one just like the rest of his family and to fight to push the monsters back to their dark territory. Twisted events happen, which impede his training and force him to question himself and the paladin life he so desires.
      Does contain some adult themes (mainly the back of the book)

    4. Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. Standalone book feels like a movie, no dark themes and a well developed, sensible romance.

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