September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for recommendations on book(s)/series to read. I’m a technical writer by profession, so my standards for writing quality, specifically, are high. A book written by a truly skilled writer with a good use of vocabulary and sentence structure is a plus, as I’m always looking to expand my own writing repertoire and abilities. I know reading is the best way to improve writing (aside from writing itself). I used to write as a hobby, but life got in the way. I’m a hard sell on plot, too. I want to get lost in a story, so I *do* like fantasy, but I find so much fantasy on the market is cringy at best. I really enjoy non-fiction (physics, space, math, philosophy, etc.). I also want to be moved emotionally, left raw, mull over my existence and the human experience. I know not one book will accomplish all of the above, but looking for any suggestions in those areas. Most importantly is the writing quality; not really into the YA/typical fantasy style of writing. Looking for something much more classic and complex.

    Thanks in advance!

    by marsalden

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