July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Perhaps a guy in his 20’s that used to be lonely, kind of a shut-in, shy and without any confidence got to a breaking point and decided to turn his life and personality upside down, so then he goes out, talks to people, gains new skills, finds a purpose etc.

    by CliWha5

    1 Comment

    1. Hope nonfiction is okay 😎

      The Other Side of Me by Sidney Sheldon

      Badawi by Mohed Altrad

      Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story by Arnold Schwarzenegger

      At the risk of sounding stupid because this took me way too long to figure out: you don’t wait for confidence and take action. You take action now and find confidence after.

      You don’t figure out everything beforehand and have a smooth plan that works without hitches. Embrace the uncertainty and take a step forward toward what you want. Have faith that you can figure it out as you go along, you’ll learn from mistakes and you’ll bounce back from setbacks.

      There’s a quote that goes if you ask, “What if [bad outcome]?” 3 times in a row, you’re clinging to your misery instead of chasing opportunity. Finding excuses to not start, not solutions to move forward. Ask yourself, “How can I?” instead.

      Everything you want in life is in the same place: outside your comfort zone.

      Okay, I’m done with my seminar lol.

      Hope this helps.

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