September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve recently finished the Three Body Problem series, and while the sci-fi elements were cool, I mostly enjoyed the philosophical and existential ideas of the series.

    I’m looking for other books that make you reorient your thinking a bit. Similar to what a lot of the Black Mirror episodes make you feel and think, if that makes sense?

    Another recent read that scratched this itch was The Mountain In The Sea by Ray Nayler!

    Thanks for any and all suggestions!

    by Soaked_in_Milk


    1. Idk if this will scratch your itch but some philosophers did actually write fiction to get their ideas across. Some that spring to mind are
      Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche
      Nausea by Sartre
      The Stranger by Camus (sometimes called The Outsider)

    2. The Ted Chiang short story collections have a ton of interesting philosophical premises woven throughout

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